Is the Nook Color Reader Easy to Read

Nook Color Reader

Updated on June 21, 2011

K.G. asks from Fort Wayne, IN

12 answers

does anyone have the nook color reader? I really want to get an e-reader and was going to get the pandidital but have read just negitive reviews on it. I like the fact that the nook is color and carries free apps, so if anyone has it please let me know wha tyou think of it. thanks

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answers from San Francisco on

We just got one for my husband for Father's Day and I don't think he has sat it down yet. He loves it and I love my new hand me down Nook : )

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answers from Washington DC on

I have the sony e-reader touch and I LOVE that baby. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I chose the sony for several reasons ... one of which is I don't like being told where I can or cannot buy my books. The Nook and Kindle are both pretty proprietary and if you buy books from anywhere BUT Barnes and Noble or Amazon you have to convert them before you can read them. Granted it's not a super long process but for me I don't see why I have to convert them at all, I should be able to download the book and put it on any device I so choose. Which is why I won't buy e-books from B&N or Amazon either ... I can't read them on my Sony. So they lost my business.

I like that I can make handwritten notes in books I read, something I had to have because I write book reviews for an online company. That feature also allows author's to sign my e-books. Something you can't do with the nook or kindle.

I like that the sony reads a much wider variety of formats than the nook or kindle, another feature I had to have for reviewing.

And I like that the casing is metal ... not plastic. What I don't like about my sony ... I didn't get the wifi version, and should have. I wish it had a back light that you could turn on and off. And they need to redo how the battery charges, if you leave it plugged in too long, the battery starts to discharge, unlike most other rechargable devices.

My honest advice if you're looking at an e-reading device ... do your research. Make a list of what functions you MUST have, what functions you'd LIKE to have .. and what doesn't matter one way or the other. And of course what's within your budget. There are a TON of e-readers out now, and the best way to know which one is going to work best for you is to go play with a bunch of them. Go to B&N to play with the nook, go to best buy and play with the kindle and the sony. Go to Borders to play with the Kobo, and whatever other readers they have.

Check them all out, decide what will work best for you in your price range and go for it. Whichever one you buy, I have yet to find a person who didn't LOVE whichever model they got.



answers from Los Angeles on

I have one!!!!! I love it, I can read, listen to music, surf the web, subscribe to magazines for 1/4 of their cost, entertain my little girl with the free kiddie apps and " read to me" books. It really is the best of both worlds, tablet and e- reader combined :)



answers from New York on

I am totally itching to get a nook color. You should know that it has been revamped this spring and it is apparently much better now than the original. The original did not get great reviews but look online again -- you will see the newer version is getting really great reviews. I was just on You Tube this morning listening to some reviews. You want to aim for You Tube videos uploaded after late April, when the newer version came out, so that you are gettting the most updated reviews. Most are saying that it is essentially a less pricey version than the IPad and almost as much capability. One video (I think it was called MobileTech something like that -- it had a part one and part two review) even said it was a better quality e-reader than the Ipad.


answers from Ocala on

We just bought the Nook Color. ( got it about 2 weeks ago )
We also have an IPad. ( got it about 4 months ago )

I like the IPad better.
I am typing this to you right now on my iPad.

I don't care for the Nook Color. It is too small for me.

Did you know that the lady at the store that sold us the Nook color knew we had the iPad ( because we told her ), never bothered to tell us ~ hey ma'am you can get the Nook for free on your iPad in the app. store.

Yep that's right, we didn't know until after we bought it.
They even have Nook for Kids on the iPad FOR FREE.

Well, to each their own ~ I hope you find what your looking for.


answers from Bloomington on

My Dad has it and I LOVE it! I really want one! I love that there are colored illustrations for children's books and you can choose to have it read to your child. If I was going to get an ereader, it's definitely the one I'd get!


answers from Los Angeles on

My nephew has one and he LOVES it! It does look pretty...I must say...and seems to work great!

Hubby and I have the Kindle. I think you really can't go wrong with either the Kindle or the go for it! They are so cool!



answers from New York on

I have a Nook Color and love it! My son loves to "read" the children's books... they are narrated and he can turn the pages and "read like mommy".

It was a gift, so frankly I didn't research it or compare aspects of the e-readers. I travel a lot for work, so I like to have "fun reading" on the train, plane or hotel room. Books are heavy and I tend to "whip" through them pretty quickly, so an e-reader in general is great!



answers from Minneapolis on

The nook looks very cool. But I truly like my Kindle because it is not color, and not a backlit screen. It is so easy on my eyes that way. I spend quit a bit of time on my laptop, and it tires my eyes. That means I only use my Kindle for reading books, and my laptop for everything else. I could see where one device that could do more things could be useful.



answers from Kansas City on

I have the regular nook and I like it for reading books, but for anything else it is sucky. You could go to the store and play with a Nook Color for free, that's what I would do. I bought mine off of my brother's ex, since someone gave it to her and she didnt want it, so at least I got a good deal.



answers from Washington DC on

My daughter loves her Kindle, it is very easy on her eyes.
There are plenty of free books she can download. I want ot have my hubby hook it to the flatscreen this weekend.


answers from Chicago on

I love mine. No problems with it so far and I've had it for about 6 months.


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