Trump and Melania in the White Hat Funny
Written by Anjali Jha | New Delhi |
Updated: April 26, 2018 8:23:41 pm
Does Melania Trump's huge white hat remind you of V? (Source: wuerker/ Twitter)
Melania Trump has made several style statement appearances in the past but her recent all white skirt suit by Michael Kors for the State Arrival Ceremony has caused quite a buzz on the Internet. It was French President Emmanuel Macron and First Lady Brigitte Macron's first official state visit and the whole press was there to capture the moment. While FLOTUS's crisp suit that she had paired up with an enormously huge hat may have impressed the fashion critics, Netizens found it better for their memes. Some compared the striking chapeau to Beyonce's 'Formation' music video headpiece, while others found it similar to Hugo Weaving who played V in the movie V for Vendetta.
ALSO READ | VIDEO: Melania finally holds Donald Trump's hand, but not before putting up a brave fight
United States first lady Melania Trump visits the National Gallery of Art with her French counterpart Brigitte Macron in Washington, US. (Source: Reuters)
First lady Melania Trump attends an arrival ceremony at the White House in Washington, U.S. (Source: Reuters)
"Hats off to Brigitte Macron, who just managed a flawless French two-cheek kiss under and around Melania Trump's enormous flat-brim hat," noted one Twitter user.
ALSO READ | Handshakes, hugs and dandruff: When Donald Trump met Emmanuel Macron
And here is what others thought about it.
We're one black hat away from Spy vs Spy
— Bill Weir (@BillWeirCNN) April 24, 2018
Melania's Formation hat.
— Baby I'm A Star⭐☄ (@OLynnette) April 24, 2018
getting some serious Beyoncé Formation vibes from Melania's hat this morning
— Niccole (@niccoleinDC) April 24, 2018
Melania with the Young Pope hat
— Josh Billinson (@jbillinson) April 24, 2018
Is Melania wearing the white hat?? She is certainly wearing Olivia's jacket….I see #Scandal everywhere….#Gladiators
— Lyn Paolo (@LynPaolo) April 24, 2018
With all the cheating Donald Trump did behind Melania, she's embracing her inner Beyonce in Michael koors. Soon we'll be reading about how she wore yellow dress and smashed all of Donald's things. None of us will be mad Melania. You got this.
— Ray Gunnz (@ray_gunnz) April 24, 2018
Is Melania's hat signaling something…?
— Matt Wuerker (@wuerker) April 24, 2018
How did Melania get Fanucci's hat?
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) April 24, 2018
I'd rather have Melania's hat as president.
— Scott Dworkin (@funder) April 24, 2018
why does melania look like she just jumped out of Mad magazine's spy vs spy comic
— Dom (@DomDiFurio) April 24, 2018
Melania did not come to play today. All white belted suit and a white, wide brimmed hat.
— Abby D. Phillip (@abbydphillip) April 24, 2018
I see someone is trying to channel their inner Olivia Pope. #nah
— Blair LM Kelley (@profblmkelley) April 24, 2018
Is Melania's hat signaling something…?
— Matt Wuerker (@wuerker) April 24, 2018
Melania looking like she's about to take off that hat and whip it at Trump like Kung Lao.
— OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) April 25, 2018
Michelle Pfeiffer in Scarface wore it better.
— Blake Butler (@blakejbutler5) April 24, 2018
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